On Sunday night, January 30 we held VISION NIGHT at Life Center. It was an incredible night! Life Center is One Church, Multiple Locations, Multiple Languages, Multiple Key Ministries (Life Christian Academy and Life Manor), with One collective mission. During our time together with our congregation representing our campuses, school, and retirement community, I shared our renewed MISSION and VISION for the next chapter ahead of us as a church community.

A number of people have reached out to me asking for the words of what I shared entitled “The Church I See.

Below, you will find this vision narrative that I crafted following my summer sabbatical.

This is the church I see.

This is the church, that by God’s grace, we will become.

- Tyler

The Church I See.

I see a church that is active in BRINGING LIFE IN JESUS TO EVERY LIFE IN OUR COMMUNITIES. It’s a church that doesn’t settle for just “going to church”, it’s a community of Jesus followers that understand “we are the church”.


I see a church that is committed to KNOWING JESUS and MAKING HIM KNOWN. It’s a church that doesn’t settle for gaining more information about Jesus each week to feel better, but a church that is passionately committed to gathering together to be equipped to KNOW JESUS more, so that they can go and share this LIFE IN JESUS with every life they come in contact with.


I see a church that is committed to REACHING WIDE. I see a church that unchurched people love to attend. I see a church that brings the ancient truth of the gospel to life for this generation. We create welcoming environments where they can connect with God and others.


I see a church that is passionate about EQUIPPING and BUILDING LIVES. It’s a church that doesn’t settle for the status quo. A church that doesn’t stop with the metrics of attendance, but that moves toward developing and building people. I see a church of disciples of Jesus who are passionate and committed to make other disciples of Jesus who know how to make other disciples of Jesus. It is a church that is committed to building both MEN and WOMEN who will live lives of character and consequence for Jesus.


I see a church with radical devotion to LOVE WELL. I see a church that understands we are not simply a church IN a city, but a church FOR our city. A church that will generously and sacrificially love well. They believe in the mission of Jesus both locally and globally. It is seen in how they give, serve and sacrifice.


I see a church that is BIBLICALLY ANCHORED. A church that remains faithful and true to the authority of scripture as its ultimate authority. As society and culture continue to change, I see a church that is able to hold fast to who Jesus is and His plan for humanity because of the anchor of scripture.


I see a church that is JESUS CENTERED. It’s a church that doesn’t see the gospel as our last hope, but it’s our only hope. It’s a church that is SPIRIT EMPOWERED. A church that realizes that without the Holy Spirit, we can’t do anything. A church that is MISSION MINDED both locally and globally.


I see a church that is GENERATIONALLY ENGAGED. It is a church where kids and youth are the heartbeat and they beg their parents to be a part. I see kids and students who know Jesus, have a biblical anchor, who worship, pray and are empowered by the Spirit. I see a church that understands kids and students are not the future of the church, they are the church. It is a church that leans into the wisdom of the older generation while continues to lean into the passion and strength of the younger generation.


I see a church that is RELATIONALLY CONNECTED. It is a church that is big enough to make an impact globally and across Pierce County, but also relational enough for each person to feel a part of what Jesus is up to and the role He wants them to play.


I see a church where God’s PRESENCE SATURATES every gathering, group, activity and outreach. It’s a church where God’s presence can be sensed in the places we meet AND in the people who make Life Center what it is.


I see a church that is LIFE GIVING, and GENEROUS in their LIVING AND GIVING. It is a church that is relentless in being and operating KINGDOM MINDED. It’s a church that understands Jesus has One Body, and we play a specific and important part – but not the only part.


I see a church with a Christian School that is committed to developing future leaders within the marketplace who will continue to bring LIFE to every area of their influence.


I see a church with a care and compassion for the vulnerable. Our heart aligns with the things that are close to God’s heart, including the elderly in our retirement communities and the most vulnerable in our city.


I see a church that meets in multiple locations, and in multiple languages. It’s a church where each campus thrives in fulfilling the mission and vision of Life Center…a church where we are aligned because we believe we can do more together than we can alone


I see a church that reflects the vision of where we are headed in Revelation 7:9 – a church that represents the multiethnic reality of our community and of every nation, tribe, and tongue.


I see a church that is willing and committed to take risks to reach people who need Jesus. It’s a church that will not settle for trying to “play it safe” or stick to the status quo. A church that is driven by the same love that reached and rescued us. It’s a church that exists for the glory of God and the good of our city.


This is the church I see.

This is the church, that by God’s grace, we will become.

If you missed VISION NIGHT 2022, or you want to catch it again check out the video below. “The Church I See.” is located at 34:34.


Goals are great…Decisions are better.
