Ten Years Later...

This past weekend I had the opportunity to go with my wife, Amber, to her 10 year high school reunion.  There are few things as exciting as attending a reunion to a high school that you did not attend (although I must admit it wasn’t that bad!).

One thing that stuck with me was the fact that one of Amber’s teachers had the entire class do an assignment their senior year.  The assignment was this: write a letter to yourself that will be opened at your 10 year reunion.

I was curious to see what peoples reactions would be as the letters began to be passed out to those who were in attendance.  Some looked excited to read them.  Others seemed disinterested.  And there were some who wanted to avoid the whole experience.  It is amazing how much can change in 10 years.

All too often we live with a short range perspective in life - living for today and the moment - and not spending any time or energy on who we want to become or where we want to go in life.  I think this reality hit a few that were there as they began to look over a letter written by a “younger them”.  Some of the dreams didn’t come to pass…some did.  Some of the memories were fun to reflect on…some were not. 

I overheard one person say:

That’s 10 years of my life I didn’t want to be reminded of…

As I overheard that, my heart went out to that person.  They could have been joking.  Maybe.  Maybe not.  As I look over my life I feel blessed.  I love the life God has given me.  It has not been perfect, but it has been amazing everyday.  I guess that is the difference that Jesus makes.  His Grace changes everything.

Where are you headed in life?  Where do you want to end up?  Who do you want to be?  10 years will be here before you know it.  Don’t look back with regret.  Move forward into everything He has for you.

