Shrinking the Gap

For most of us, there is often a distance between what we KNOW and what we DO. This problem permeates many areas of our lives.Our responses.Our attitudes.Our actions.Even with something as simple as flossing out teeth, it's common for there to be a gap between knowing it is what should be done and actually doing it (think about your reply the last time your hygienist asked how your flossing was going...).Here is the point: It's vital for us to continue to shrink the gap between what we know and what we do.Psalm 15 is a great reminder of this. It is full of important life principles that most of us would say, "Yeah. I should do that." In the final verse we find the kicker...

"He who does these things shall never be moved."

God, through His grace, is at work in your life today giving you the ability to not just KNOW but also DO. Shrinking the gap in our life isn't about our efforts to try and make God happy with us. Shrinking the gap between what we know and what we do is a response to the fact that God has already shown His love through what Jesus did for us on The Cross. Find fresh motivation to move from knowledge to action.SHRINK THE GAP!


Who are you tied in with?


Expensive Soup