Same Church, New Seat

This winter marks 4 years since our family arrived at Life Center in Tacoma, WA. Over the past few years we have seen Jesus move in some very special and significant ways. We love this place and the people of this city.

This summer brought change to Life Center. During the summer months, I was asked to consider serving in the Interim Senior Pastor role while we navigated the changes that were happening within our church. Throughout those months it became clear to the board, leadership and to us that God was preparing us for a new role at Life Center.

It is with great joy to share with you that last night, Amber and I were elected by the membership to become the Senior Pastors of Life Center. 

Same Church, New Seat

We are honored with the opportunity to serve in this role. We have seen how Jesus has been leading every step of this process and we know that since it is His Church - great days are ahead!

Here are a few things we want people to know:

It is a different seat, but it is the same church

We have spent the past number of years leading the Rainier Campus of Life Center. We are thankful for the team, volunteers and the people of Life Center Rainier! What I love is that we will be serving the same church, just from a different seat. Life Center is one church with multiple locations. We will continue to serve Life Center Rainier and our other campuses, just from a new seat.

Your prayer and encouragement mean more than you know

Throughout this time, I have received calls, texts, emails and notes from people letting us know that they are praying. It is hard to express how much that actually means to us. We have been blessed by the encouragement, prayer and support from so many. Thank you!

The story that Jesus is writing at Life Center is a beautiful one. We are very confident about this truth: there is only one hero of this story, and His name is Jesus. 


How to make a New Year more than just a new number

