Ocean Shores Missions Trip | Summary

After five days of hard work our team headed home from Ocean Shores back to Issaquah.  As I have had the past few days to reflect, I am so proud of our students and staff from Eastridge Youth who came and served another church and community for a week!  We were able to accomplish a lot for Shores Fellowship Church.

On our final night our team had a chance to share what they took away from this experience.  It was powerful hearing the principles, life application and insights that these students took away from serving others for a week.

One thing I love most about going on mission trips is that even as you are serving others, you end up feeling like you are the one being blessed!  That is what is so amazing about living out the gospel.  When we live our lives to be a blessing to others, blessing comes back into our lives!

Thank you to all who prayed, gave and invested for this trip to take place.  I know Shores Fellowship Church in Ocean Shores was blessed, and I know that each and every student and leader who went was blessed as well!

(We will be posting more photos soon of the completed project)

