My Life is a Monument

When I was in high school I had the chance to fly back to Washington D.C. for a student leadership conference because I was on A.S.B.  I was beyond excited to be able to go and see the different historical monuments that are scattered across that city.I remember climbing the steps to the Lincoln memorial and being amazed.  It was incredible to see the effort that was put in to build something to honor a man who had profound influence on who we are as a nation and a people.  As I stood at that monument, it spoke something to me.Isn't that what monuments do?  They remind us.  They point us back.  The reason a monument is built is to declare something.My life is a monument.  It declares something.  Your life is a monument.  It declares something.In Jeremiah 18:16 God gives this word:

"Therefore their land will become desolate, a monument to their stupidity."

The people had gone their own way.  They turned their back on God and His goodness.  They decided to build life THEIR way, and in doing so they were building a "monument to their stupidity".The inheritance that God had promised and provided would become desolate - becoming a monument.There are two monuments we can allow our lives to build:My life can either be a monument to His glory or my life can be a monument to mine.  One declares His goodness, His abilities, His power to save and transform and change.  The other declares what I can do.  And when compared to what He can do, all I see is a monument to stupidity when I build it all around me.Life takes a different approach when we understand that our only hope is in Him.  Our value is found through what Jesus has already done for us and declares about us.  When we are reminded that His ways are higher and His thoughts are higher, there really is no better way to live life than to live it in such a way that builds a monument to His glory.


5 Lies to Reject


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