[youtube height="HEIGHT" width="WIDTH"]PLACE_LINK_HERE[/youtube] Hey Life Center Rainier!This coming weekend we will have our final offering for our +MAKE ROOM Campaign. Starting in April we set out to accomplish three initiatives that deal with the mission both globally and locally. The great news is that there has been an incredible amount of engagement! This coming Saturday and Sunday will will have a special "miracle offering" to wrap up this three month campaign. The reason for this post is that, as your pastor, I wanted to communicate two things.First, I want to say Thank You. Thank you for all those who have already contributed, sacrificed and given generously above and beyond your normal giving. I love that our church is a generous church when it comes to seeing the mission that Jesus has called us to move forward! As I've said from the beginning of this campaign, its not about equal gifts. It's about us asking Jesus what role He wants us to play, then being obedient to that. I truly believe that when we do that, every need will be met!Second, I want to ask everyone to Join Us Maybe you have not yet joined in on this goal. I would ask you to prayerfully consider what part you or your family would want to play in helping to MAKE ROOM both globally and locally. I want to remind Life Center Rainier that NO ONE CAN DO EVERYTHING, BUT EVERYONE CAN DO SOMETHING.[quote align="center" color="#999999"]NO ONE CAN DO EVERYTHING, BUT EVERYONE CAN DO SOMETHING[/quote]For those who would like to give online, click HERE, and you will be directed to our online giving page. Once there, under 'GIVING TYPE' select 'MAKE ROOM' as your designation.It is such an honor for Amber and I to serve as your Pastors. We truly believe there are great days ahead! Thank you for your willingness to join us in the mission as we seek to INSPIRE OUR COMMUNITY TO LOVE AND FOLLOW JESUS. Your Friend,


What I've Been Reading


Q&A: The Battle