It's OK

So, it didn't turn out like you thought? It's OK.They said something about you? It's OK.They left and you feel alone? It's OK.Things feel cold and stale? It's OK.You figured things would look different than they do right now. You thought you would be further along in life? It's OK.You don't measure up to your own expectations of yourself, or the expectations of others? It's OK.You want things to be different? It's OK. Let me tell you why it is OK. God, in His grace has given you another day called TODAY.The story isn't over - YOUR STORY isn't over.[quote align="center" color="#999999"]YOUR STORY isn't over.[/quote]If circumstances in your life are not everything you wished, hoped, dreamed or prayed that they would be, I have a simple message for you:IT'S OK, because the story isn't over yet, and Jesus has more than enough grace and mercy to help you finish writing the remaining pages.It's OK.


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