It's No Accident

Accidents happen.  All the time.

Some are a big deal.  Some aren’t.

Our son’s (Judah and Justus) used to watch an Elmo video that had a song where they would sing “accidents happen…and that’s okay…”  Good advice for kids learning to be potty trained.  Bad advice for people who are hoping to end up at a God-given destiny…by accident.

The truth is that no one accomplishes God’s dream for their life on accident.  Life is all about daily decisions.  If we want to be someone who will fulfill God’s dream for their life, we wont somehow accidentally arrive there.

It’s nice living in a day where there is GPS.  I still remember the days of needing a map in order to find a specific destination.  I’ve never once jumped into my car, wanting to get to a location that I have never been to before, and thought that I could just start to drive and somehow accidentally arrive at the place I was hoping to get to.  It doesn’t happen that way.  Not with a car.  And definitely not with a life!

When we want to get somewhere that we sense God calling us to that is called VISION.  God given vision is like a compass that can lead our lives.  It is like a map or GPS that will direct us from where we currently are through the unknown - so that we can arrive at the destination that we are hoping to arrive at.

When we lack God given vision and direction things in life get a little crazy (Proverbs 29:18).  I am so glad that Jesus lived out a life that focused on His purpose (Mark 1:29-39; John 12:23-28). 

We all need something to direct us.  We all need a compass.  The challenge is are we using the right thing?  A map is only good at directing you if it is accurate.  GPS is only good if the routes are up to date.  A compass is only good if it actually points to truth north.

Each of us have only a few options when it comes to living with a sense of vision:

First we can choose to live with no vision.  Helen Keller once said “It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.”  The truth is that there are far too many people who are living life with no sense of vision.

We could also chose to live with my vision.  Many people fall into this area of leading their lives.  They have desires, goals, passions and things that drive them forward in life.  But my vision won’t necessarily bring me to arrive at God’s dream and purpose for my life.

The best option is to live and follow God’s vision.

None of us will arrive on accident.  Life is full of decisions.  Choose to follow God’s vision and dream for your life.


andyjoneslive:As a dad, there’s nothing like coming back from a long trip and seeing your family again.I recently enjoyed an extended weekend away with my brothers and dad in Northern California.Upon my arrival home I was treated to a welcome home from my family that made me feel amazing.Andrea screamed…Such a great reminder! Thankful for Andy and his heart to remind is of God’s love and grace.
