It's never too late

Last weekend we were in Tacoma visiting my parents. As we were down there I had the chance to talk with my parents neighbor Ed. Ed has lived across the street from my parents ever since we moved into that house back when I was a little kid. One thing I always remembered about Ed was his love for running.

Ed would wake up early every morning to go for a run. As we were talking last weekend and catching up on life I asked him when he started running. He told me the story of when he was 31 years old his friend took him up to the local high school. Ed ran around the track once and thought he was going to die. The next day he ran two laps, and a few days later he ran four laps. From that day forward he was hooked. Since then he has ran 30 marathons.

I looked at him and said jokingly, “So its not too late for me.”

He looked at me with all seriousness and replied, “It’s never too late!”

What great perspective. Instead of allowing life to pass you by, realize that it is NEVER too late to get after your dreams and your goals. Life will only pass you by if you allow it to.

It’s never too late!

