It Makes A Difference

In a world that is consumed with how many followers and friends we have on social media platforms, there is an old practice that I believe is more vital than ever before. "Likes" on a status or photo never seem to add value and breathe life into an individual. Sure, it can make you feel known. For the artistic side of us, a certain amount of likes can affirm our creative work and outlet. But none of these have the power or ability to breathe life into someone.The times that I have felt built up, valued and had life breathed into me were when an individual went out of their way to say or send an encouraging word my direction. I'm sure as you read that your mind went to a conversation or note when someone did the same for you. We quickly forget how many "likes" a specific post may have generated, but a intentional heart-felt word of encouragement is not quickly forgotten.[quote align="center" color="#999999"]Your words of encouragement are vital.[/quote]I learned this from watching my jr. high pastor, Dean Curry. There were a few times that I received a note from Dean that spoke value into who I was and who I would become. One note specifically that made a huge difference was when I was in college. You read that correct...the guy who was my jr. high pastor still believed in me even after I wasn't in his ministry anymore! It was so valuable to me that I have kept it in one of my bibles.

 Note from Dean

There is something powerful about having someone believe in you TODAY, but also believe in your FUTURE.Think about the difference you can make in the life of another individual today. Instead of measuring your significance by insignificant things (followers, likes, +1's...), make the decision to add significance to someone else.[quote align="center" color="#999999"]Make the decision to add significance to someone else.[/quote]Write a note.Send a card.Send a text.Have a conversation.Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that "The tongue has the power of life and death..."Speak life into someone today!  


Avoiding Atrophy


5 Phrases Every Youth Pastor Needs to Use