I will never get tired of...

A few thoughts from tonight.

The truth is that amazing nights come and go.  Not every night in ministry is necessarily epic (in how we may view it), but every night is SIGNIFICANT!  I have been a pastor long enough to realize that you don’t always leave a church service feeling like it was the Super Bowl and your team just won.  When those nights do come, cherish them, encourage your team, but keep focused on what is most important.  There are a few things that I will never grow tired of:

I will never grow tired of seeing students put their faith in the grace of Jesus

I will never grow tired of watching a team of leaders invest in the next generation

I will never grow tired of seeing students passionately reach out to their friends who don’t yet know Christ

I will never grow tired of having fun in church (and yes, I do think this is important!)

I will never grow tired of meeting new students

I will never grow tired of people seeing the vision, believing the vision and owning the vision

I will never grow tired of students taking ownership and leadership in their church

I will never grow tired of watching a student lift their hands to worship Jesus with all that they have

I will never get tired of seeing the results of prayer and God’s faithfulness

I will never get tired of watching Jesus build HIS CHURCH (He said He would do it, and I love the fact that He called me to be a part of it!)

If you are in ministry or a part of a church you probably realize there are what we feel like are “great days” and then just “days”.  The truth is that if you are loving Jesus and loving people what you are doing is never insignificant.  It doesn’t matter how big the crowd was or was not: be faithful with what God has entrusted you with.  My goal: to know Jesus and to make Him known.

I will never get tired of that.

