Get it in you

Today I was thinking and reflecting on the importance of us getting the Word of God into our hearts and minds. God’s Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), it is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105) and it teaches us how to live right lives (Psalm 119:9-11). It is vital for us to be people who are reading it, learning it and applying it’s truths in our lives.

A while back I came across a great resource that you may find helpful. There is a company who’s mission is to record the bible in audio for every nation and language. On their website they have a free audio bible download. As well, you can make a donation to their cause to see bibles translated into every language and spread around the world. This means if you have an iPod, computer, or any other way to play mp3’s you can listen to the bible while doing whatever it is that you do.

Imagine taking a month to listen to the bible during your commute instead of listening to music or the radio. What if you were listening to the book of Romans while you were at the gym instead of the same songs you always listen to. There are a lot of students who have told me over the years that they don’t like to read. I wouldn’t recommend replacing reading your bible with just listening, but if you can’t or won’t read, at least listen. I challenge you to get the Word in you. Allow it to change you from the inside out.

Get the Word in you.

Here is the link to their website:


Taking Steps Forward in Faith


Unbound (part 1)