Don't settle for surface level

No one wants to admit it, but we have all had surface level friendships in life.  What I mean is this: we have people we know - but it never goes any deeper than an understanding of things ABOUT that person.  Sometimes we can know a lot about someone without really knowing them for who they are.

I’ve been guilty of it.  Chances are maybe you have too.

Unfortunately I think there are times where we settle for surface level when it comes to knowing God.  We know things ABOUT Him.  And we settle with that.  We know ABOUT His love for us.  We know ABOUT His grace and His faithfulness.

But do we KNOW HIM?

I was challenged by what I read while going through my bible reading plan in 1 Chronicles 28:9.  We read here about King David towards the closing days of his life giving his son Solomon some insight and wisdom.  Imagine the knowledge that David could have shared.  So many incredible experiences.  So many times of seeing God come through and bring he and the people of Israel great victory.  Here is what David says to Solomon:

1 Chronicles 28:9 (NLT)

“And Solomon, my son, learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. If you seek him, you will find him. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.

David’s encouragement is simple and powerfully profound.  “Learn to know God…intimately.” 

If I could paraphrase it -

Don’t just settle for surface level in knowing all ABOUT God without truly knowing Him!

Knowledge and facts ABOUT someone will never be able to replace truly knowing them.  Don’t settle for surface level!

