Backpack Giveaway | Sunday Rewind

Sunday RewindServing is a vital part of the life of a Jesus person. I believe we look most like Jesus when we take on the form of a servant. As a pastor, I continue to be amazed by the heart of the people of Life Center who willingly embrace this mindset of serving our community with the love of Jesus. It is amazing to watch the collective sacrifice of many in the areas of time, energy and finances, all to make a difference in other peoples lives.This past Sunday we had the opportunity to serve our community in a practical way as we gave backpacks filled with school supplies to families in need. We had an army of volunteers who gave their time and energy to love our community. From haircuts to face painting, bounce houses to family portraits and free lunch - the people of Life Center Baker served with excellence.[quote align="center" color="#999999"]We look most like Jesus when we serve.[/quote]Jesus said,"The greatest among you must be a servant." (Matthew 23:11)One of the many people who served was my friend Charles. Charles and his family serve almost every week at LC Baker. Charles also serves our nation. His role in the US Army takes him away for training from time to time, yet when he is home, he serves with passion. It amazes me and inspires me! Here is what was significant about Charles and Silvia serving at the Backpack Giveaway on Sunday: Charles flew out Monday morning for a few weeks of training. He had every reason to stay home and rest up - yet he willingly took time to SERVE. That is just one example of many people who are making a difference through serving the community.Thank you Life Center for loving your community well. The 253 looks different because of how you serve.

Work It Out


Loving Our Community