A Movement

Ever felt like you wanted to see something happen through your life, yet you have a hard time seeing the influence you are making? Here is a thought…keep going at it, because a movement is on its way.

As a youth pastor, I love to see students step out of their comfort zone and accomplish something they did not see as possible. There is nothing like it! If we want to see a movement take place in our generation there is going to have to be:

The guy dancing above had a desire and a passion. We wont see a movement if there is nothing that is moving us. What is it that moves you?

I love that he does one thing well: he keeps dancing. Clearly, not the best dancer in the crowd, but because of his commitment and determination, people are drawn into what he is doing. Even when people might criticize you for what you are doing, they could very well be the people who are going the strongest by the end.

Unlike the movement seen above, I think we have a clear cut direction for where the movement is heading. Eventually, after the music stopped, people packed up and went home and maybe remembered that moment…maybe not. I don’t think that is what God has called us to do in starting a movement in our generation. We have a direction: love God, reach and love people. Until this is accomplished, we have to keep moving.

[My friend Pastor Zac Gandara passed this video along to me…good stuff]

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Passionate or Indifferent?


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