A leadership lesson from a 6 year old

It happens at least once a day.In conversation it naturally comes up.It isn't forced or premeditated.It isn't something that this 6 year old (soon to be 7) learned in a leadership book, conference or from a podcast.It isn't something that I can point to myself as his father and say, "See! I imparted that wisdom to him."In fact, I can tell he didn't get it from me because I don't naturally do it.What is the leadership lesson from this 6 year old?It is asking the question "WHAT IF...?"At surface level it just seems like something all kids do. They ask crazy questions.Here are a few that I've been asked in the past few weeks:

"Dad, WHAT IF I punched a dinosaur?""Dad, WHAT IF a tornado hits our house?""Dad, WHAT IF you lifted up a moose? There are lots of them in Alaska, right?""Dad, WHAT IF we went paragliding off the top of the Dubai tower?"

During these conversations my usual first response is something like this, "Umm...that would be crazy buddy!"Translated: "That can't happen."But he doesn't allow that to stop his creativity. I learned something about leadership from this.Here is the key: WHAT IF searches to see what is possible.Leaders do the same.[quote align="center" color="#999999"]"WHAT IF" searches to see what is possible.[/quote]Often we can be guilty of stating WHAT IS instead of asking the question of WHAT IF.In your leadership, be someone who is determined to search and see what is possible.


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