One rhythm that I have found both vital and transformational in my life is reading through and studying scripture. This is an annual rhythm for me. And although I have grown to love this journey, there have been many years where I experienced the collision of desire and disappointment.

I had a true desire to encounter God through scripture.

I felt disappointed in my inability (and, at times, lack of desire) to engage in this spiritual practice.

Maybe you’ve been there.

Maybe you are there.

We recently turned the page into a new year, which means many people are in a space where they want things to look different this year than they did last year. If you have a goal this year to encounter God through reading through scripture, I want to encourage you with something that I have found incredibly helpful: community.

We all do better when we have others on the journey with us. And I believe that reading through scripture should be a community project. Here is why: when I approach reading through scripture with others, I find encouragement and accountability. And both of these are vital.

There will be moments when I need encouragement to keep going.

There will be moments when I need accountability to do what I am setting out to do.

So what does it look like to journey through scripture in community?

Don’t worry; you don’t need to sit in a circle and take turns reading your bible out loud. That isn’t what I am getting at. Most mornings, I read my bible alone with a cup of coffee (yes, I believe I hear God better when I am well caffeinated). What I mean by reading in community involves just a few simple things.

First, invite others to join you in the same plan.

Pick a plan and invite some friends to join you. Commit to it. There are countless plans on the Bible App or simply do a search online for a plan that will work for you. This year, Life Center is doing The Bible Recap, that includes a daily podcast. It is excellent!

Second, find ways to share what you are learning or where you have questions.

Start a text thread, a group on the Bible App, or schedule coffee once a week to share what you are learning. Check in on each other. Listen to what others are learning about God and how they are encountering Him as they read. Create space to ask questions and commit to growing in understanding together.

Finally, encourage each other in the journey.

I think the greatest asset of journeying through scripture in community is the encouragenent to keep going. There will be days that you don’t feel like reading your bible. That’s ok…do it anyway. Encourage others when they are feeling that. Let others encourage you when you are feeling it.

For me, I use the bible app with a group of men who are journeying through the bible together. We are walking through the Bible chronologically using The Bible Recap. I love seeing what others are learning, and how it is shaping their faith over the course of a year.

So, my encouragement for you: dive into scripture, but don’t do it alone!

Helpful Links:

Life Center Daily Email Sign Up

The Bible Recap

The Bible Recap Podcast

The Bible App
