7 Good Reads

Last week at camp a youth pastor asked me what books I have been reading lately. In addition to sharing them with him, I thought I would share theme here as well. Here are 7 books that I've recently read that I would pass along. 1. Start With Why by Simon SinekThis is a must read for every leader and pastor. In this book Simon Sinek talks about the importance of having a clear sense of "WHY" and how the effects what and how we do things. 2. EntreLeadership by Dave RamseyThis book has some great leadership principles and ideas. It focuses a lot on the business end of leadership, but has great application for all leadership roles. 3. Change Before You Have To by Rob KetterlingI loved the concept behind this book by Rob Ketterling! Often we wait to change until we have to. Many of us are guilty of waiting until we have no option. His point is make the decision to change now! This book challenged me in areas of my relationships, physical health and personal leadership. 4. Love Does by Bob GoffLove Does is one of the most inspiring and entertaining books that I have ever read. Bob Goff not only has lived and INCREDIBLE life, his style of writing and drawing you in is amazing. This book will challenge you to consider how your life is putting love into action. 5. Soup: A Recipe to Nourish Your Team and Culture by Jon GordonThis is a great leadership parable about vision and culture. The author talks about the fact that two chefs can have the same exact ingredients, yet the soup will turn out different. It is the same in our leadership. Whoever stirs the soup, makes the soup. 6. The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness by Timothy KellerThis is a great quick read by Timothy Keller about the gospels ability to transform our sense of self. 7. Altar Ego by Craig GroeschelIn this book Craig Groeschel talks about sacrificing (on the altar) portions of our identity to pick up our true identity in Christ. He makes the point "You are not yet who you are supposed to be."


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