30 Day Honor Challenge | Sunday Rewind

Sunday RewindOur words and our actions matter. The words that we use and the actions that we take are continually making deposits or making withdrawals from our character.This past Sunday at Life Center Baker we continued on in our Summer Storyboard series, looking at the life of David. We focused in on the fact that David lived with Veneration (honor and respect) both for God and others. We live in a world that seems so full of dishonor. In the words that are said, attitudes that are embraced or actions that are lived out, it seems that dishonor is available at every turn.In 1 Samuel 24:1-11, there is an incredible story of David honoring Saul, even though he didn't deserve it. David had the chance to end Saul's life. To make the situation even more challenging, David's men were encouraging him to do so, because it appeared to be God's provision to put an end to the conflict between David and Saul. David took the path of honor - even though Saul wasn't deserving of it.[quote align="center" color="#999999"]CHARACTER IS NOT DISCONNECTED FROM CONDUCT[/quote]In David's actions we see a glimpse of Jesus: He shows love toward the very people that are trying to kill him. What is challenging to me is that David refused to destroy Saul UP CLOSE and from a DISTANCE.[quote align="center" color="#999999"]DISHONORING PEOPLE WILL NEVER LEAD US TO A DEEPER HONOR OF GOD.[/quote]As Jesus people, we are called to love God and love people (what Jesus called the Greatest Commandment).But how often do we put conditions on the honor that we show to others? Do we have to completely agree to honor? Does giving honor require that I am right or that everything goes my way?Do they have to hold to my same political views that I have to show honor? (THIS will be a tough one to read for some) We are called to HONOR UP (see Romans 13:1-2)We are called to HONOR AROUND (see Philippians 2:3-4) 30 DAY HONOR CHALLENGEIf you want to join us, we are taking a 30 Day Honor Challenge. We are committing to...Honor in what and how we SPEAKHonor in how we ACTHonor in what and how we POSTIt seems that for many, social media has created a new opportunity to dishonor from a safe distance.  We say things that we would never say to someones face, we sub tweet and sub post about people, we say things that don't need to be said, we dishonor instead of choosing the path of honor.What about you? Will you join me over the next 30 Days to choose HONOR over DISHONOR?


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