A Leadership Thought

I’ve spent the past few days at a gathering with leaders from across the nation.

Environments like this always get me thinking new thoughts, seeing new things, and dreaming bigger dreams.

Today, we heard from someone that I have been mentored by since I was in 8th grade. His name is John Maxwell. Though I didn’t actually meet John until five years ago, John’s voice and mentorship have shaped my life in profound ways. I had the chance to tell him today that he became a mentor to me when I was in 8th grade when I read his book, “The Winning Attitude.”

John has a way of saying things in such a clear and fresh way that makes you think and leave you impacted.

There was a thought from him today that I have been processing — and I thought it would be good to pass along to others to reflect on and consider for their own lives:

“If you can’t be happy where you are, you won’t be happy where you are going.”

What a powerful truth that is overlooked by so many people today!

So often, we are tempted to think that happiness is tied to a destination (arriving at something), a title (becoming something), or a new opportunity (doing something). If you can’t find happiness and joy HERE, you won’t find it THERE.

So many marriages, careers, ministries, and leaders suffer from the “if only” state of thinking.

A new destination, title, or opportunity will not fix a broken outlook. We must remember that the perspective that we live with has a profound impact on how we face where we are in life. And the way we face where we currently are is shaping how we will face whatever is ahead of us.

This doesn’t mean we should settle. Dream! Plan! Create! Push forward…but don’t assume that will be the key that finally unlocks your happiness.

The key for all of us is to live in such a way that we can find joy, peace, contentment, and happiness right where we are.

In his letter to the Philippians, Paul shared that he had learned the secret to being content in any and every circumstance — in the good times and in the bad times (see Philippians 4:10-13). It is found in knowing Jesus is with you and working in and through you in every moment, including right where you are at. Paul had joy in knowing where he was going, but he also had joy right where he was at. And it shouldn’t be forgotten that these words were written from prison.

It is about perspective not about destination.


Three Things I am Learning
